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WGG Everdell: Houten Evertree
Everdell: Houten Evertree
Upgrade je Everdell exemplaar met deze luxe houten versie van de Evertree. De boom is gemaakt van bedrukt hout!
Rebel Studio Meadow
Start your journey into nature and collect cards to become true nature observer.
Rio Grande Games Dominion - Intrigue (EN)
Dominion - Intrigue (EN)
Intrigue is the 1st expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 26 new Kingdom cards. There are victory cards that do things for you, underlings that give you a choice as to what they do, and a variety of other cards.
Renegade Studios Race for the Galaxy
Race for the Galaxy
Race for the Galaxy is the classic game of space civilizations for 2-4 players. Explore the galaxy, conquer worlds, expand your empire and defeat your opponents.
- Unmatched - Little Red Riding Hood vs Beowulf
Unmatched - Little Red Riding Hood vs Beowulf
Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical card-driven miniature fighting game featuring heroes from myth and legend. Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf includes those two heroes to fight against each other or mix-and-match with any other Unmatched set.
Brotherwise Games Overboss- A Boss Monster Adventure
Overboss- A Boss Monster Adventure
In Overboss, rival Boss Monsters emerge from their dungeons to conquer the Overworld.
- Epic Spell Wars - Hijinx at Hell high
Epic Spell Wars - Hijinx at Hell high
Epic Spells Wars fifth game Hijinx at Hell High is a hilarious standalone card game for 2-6 players.
- Recipe for Disaster
Recipe for Disaster
Recipe for Disaster is a set collection card game with a twist
Rio Grande Games Dominion - Second Edition (EN)
Dominion - Second Edition (EN)
Acquire cards to grow your kingdom's influence in this classic deck-building game.
Rio Grande Games Power Grid Recharged
Power Grid Recharged
Bid, network, and manage resources in a race to supply the most cities with power.
999 Games Dominion- Menagerie NL
Dominion- Menagerie NL
Met deze uitbreiding van het populaire kaartspel Dominion kun je je koninkrijk uitbreiden met de meest bijzondere wilde en exotische dieren
- Everdell -  Spirecrest expansion (EN)
Everdell - Spirecrest expansion (EN)
Everdell Spirecrest is an expansion to the lovely looking Everdell, adding new mechanics and challenges.
Unmatched - Slings and Arrows
Unmatched - Slings and Arrows
The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword!
Dominion - Seaside Update Pack (EN)
Dominion - Seaside Update Pack (EN)
Dominion: Seaside (Second Edition) contains nine new types of Kingdom cards, which will be released on their own as an update pack for those who own the first edition of this expansion.
Trek wolven aan in dit strategische spel en zorg ervoor dat je de grootste, meest dominante roedel vormt. Claim gebieden, neem eenzame wolven in je midden op en jaag op prooi. Maar pas, kom niet te dichtbij de tegenstanders, anders lopen de wolven over...
D&D 5.0 - Tyranny of Dragons
D&D 5.0 - Tyranny of Dragons
A wonderful re-introduction to Tyranny of Dragons for 5th editon Dungeons and Dragons.
Fantasy Flight Arkham Horror 3rd Ed - Secrets of the Order Expansion
Arkham Horror 3rd Ed - Secrets of the Order Expansion
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Secrets of the Order, a new expansion for Arkham Horror! This new expansion brings investigators to the classic neighborhood of French Hill while also sending them beyond our reality into the depths of the terrify
Rio Grande Games Dominion - Seaside (EN)
Dominion - Seaside (EN)
Seaside is the 2nd expansion for Dominion. It adds 26 new Kingdom cards to Dominion. Its central theme is your next turn; there are cards that do something this turn and next, cards that set up your next turn, and other ways to step outside of the bounds
North Star Games Quacks of Quedlinburg
Quacks of Quedlinburg
Pull ingredients from your stock to make your pot bubble, but hopefully not explode!
WotC - D&D Castle Ravenloft Boardgame
D&D Castle Ravenloft Boardgame
The game plays more-or-less a dungeon crawl, albeit one that can have interesting and varied goals and mechanics depending on the scenario you’re playing.
Rio Grande Games Concordia - Venus expansion
Concordia - Venus expansion
Concordia Venus includes new personality cards with the goddess Venus allowing for new strategies and rules that enable teams of play against eachother.
Stonemaier Wingspan - Europe expansion (EN)
Wingspan - Europe expansion (EN)
In this first expansion to Wingspan, we increase the scope of the world to include the regal, beautiful, and varied birds of Europe.
Repos Production 7 Wonders (Second Edition) - Armada uitbreiding (NL)
7 Wonders (Second Edition) - Armada uitbreiding (NL)
7 Wonders: Armada is een uitbreiding voor 7 Wonders die kan worden gecombineerd met het basisspel en met elke combinatie van uitbreidingen.