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- Epic Spell Wars V Hijinx at Hell high
Epic Spell Wars V Hijinx at Hell high
Epic Spells Wars fifth game Hijinx at Hell High is a hilarious standalone card game for 2-6 players.
- Unmatched - Robin Hood vs Bigfoot (EN)
Unmatched - Robin Hood vs Bigfoot (EN)
Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style.
Capstone Games Renature (EN)
Renature (EN)
Compete for the best ground as you restore a polluted valley with plants and animals in Renature.
999 Games Marco Polo II: Op bevel van Khan
Marco Polo II: Op bevel van Khan
De tocht gaat verder in het vervolg op In de Voetsporen van Marco Polo. In dit opzichzelfstaande spel reis je op bevel van de Khan opnieuw naar de verste uithoeken van het continent op zoek naar roem en rijkdom.
Repos Production Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories is a cooperative game in which the players protect the village from incarnations of the lord of hell – Wu-Feng – and his legions of ghosts.
Z-Man Games Fields of Arle
Fields of Arle
In the small East Frisian village of Arle on the verge of the 18th century, your family must take care of numerous tasks: dehydrate the moot, plow the farmland, and breed the animals.
AEG Smash Up
Smash Up
In Smash Up each player takes a 20 card deck from two factions and shuffles them together to form their deck for the game.
Blue Orange Mapigami
Work your way along the winding paths of Cap’n Black Lemon’s old treasure maps by following the directions. Solo Adventure!
KOSMOS EXIT - The Enchanted Forest (EN)
EXIT - The Enchanted Forest (EN)
What you had planned to be a relaxing walk in the woods suddenly takes a very different turn.
KOSMOS EXIT - The Cemetery of the Knight (EN)
EXIT - The Cemetery of the Knight (EN)
Will you and your group of curious treasure hunters have what it takes to finally solve the mystery and uncover the coveted gem?
WGG Targi (NL)
Targi (NL)
Probeer in Targi je tegenstander te slim af te zijn door je Targi slim te plaatsen. Verzamel de meeste goederen, bouw de juiste stamkaarten en versla je tegenstander!
Atlas Games White Box
White Box
The White Box is a game design workshop...in a box! Game ideas may come naturally, but designing, testing, and revising is work. Make it easier with The White Box.
Osprey The King is Dead (2nd Ed.)
The King is Dead (2nd Ed.)
The King is dead. The kingdom is divided. Who will rise to the occasion and claim the throne?
GF9- Dune
Wildly different factions vie for control of a desert planet through alliance and treachery.
Fantasy Flight Twilight Imperium 4th Edition
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition
Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition) is a so-called 4X game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions.
Intrafin Terraforming Mars - Venus Next uitbreiding (NL)
Terraforming Mars - Venus Next uitbreiding (NL)
In de uitbreiding VENUS NEXT kun je Venus terraformen en nieuwe steden bouwen binnenin het zonnestelsel.
- Tiny Epic Western ENG
Tiny Epic Western ENG
Tiny Epic Western: Place posse / Win poker / Buy buildings / Own the town / And duel those in your way!
- Tiny Epic Tactics ENG
Tiny Epic Tactics ENG
Tiny Epic Tactics achieves endless layers of strategy and fun through utilizing a simple combat system with variable player powers and 3D terrain!
- Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black ENG
Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black ENG
In Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black you have pilots to commander your new ships, and the Beyond to explore!
Slugfest Games The Red Dragon Inn 2
The Red Dragon Inn 2
The Red Dragon Inn 2 is a standalone game that can be combined with the original The Red Dragon Inn to create adventuring parties of up to eight drunken players. The Red Dragon Inn 2 includes its own drink deck, player mats, counters, Gold, markers & new
Renegade Studios Ex Libris
Ex Libris
In Ex Libris, you are a collector of rare and valuable books in a thriving gnomish village. Try to organise the best library.
- Call to Adventure
Call to Adventure
Make your fate! Inspired by character-driven fantasy storytelling, Call to Adventure challenges 1-4 players to create the hero with the greatest destiny.
Iello Bunny Kingdom
Bunny Kingdom
In Bunny Kingdom you draft cards and pick the right ones to position your warrens on the 100 squares of the board, provide resources to your colonies.
Renegade Studios Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! Exp.
Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! Exp.
The deck-building adventure of Clank! In! Space! continues in Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse!