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Salton Sea
Salton Sea
Salton Sea is a unique place located in California, very close to the border with Mexico. The characteristics of this salty lake make it a unique location to generate geothermal energy, which takes advantage of the heat from the planet.
Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Rite, an epic and asymmetric tactical wargame brought to you by Dotwood Games.
One Small Step
One Small Step
Lead the United States or Soviet Union Space Agency in this engine building, worker placement, race for the moon Eurogame.
Skulk Hollow (EN)
Skulk Hollow (EN)
Skulk Hollow is a 2-player, asymmetric, tactical combat game.
Harrow County: The Game of Gothic Conflict
Harrow County: The Game of Gothic Conflict
Harrow County: The Game of Gothic Conflict is a 1 to 3 player, asymmetric strategy game about different factions that each want different things to happen to the town of Harrow County.
Imperium: Horizons
Imperium: Horizons
In your hands lies the destiny of one of the most storied peoples of history. Under constant threat of attack, you must conquer new lands, oversee dramatic scientific and cultural advances, and lead your people into the era of empire.
Starship Captains (EN)
Starship Captains (EN)
As newly promoted Starship Captains, players are in command of their first starship and hungry to prove themselves in a galaxy full of space pirates, grumpy old androids, ancient artifacts, and interplanetary adventures.
Ark Nova - Marine Worlds expansion (EN)
Ark Nova - Marine Worlds expansion (EN)
Ark Nova: Marine Worlds, an expansion for Ark Nova, introduces multiple new elements to the game, such as sea animals that each have to be played in new special enclosures that must be built adjacent to water.
Nu of Nooit (NL)
Nu of Nooit (NL)
In Nu of Nooit strijden jij en maximaal drie vrienden om je voorouderlijke dorp zo goed mogelijk te herbouwen en de rest van de dorpelingen te begeleiden op hun reis naar huis.
Unmatched Marvel - Teen Spirit (EN)
Unmatched Marvel - Teen Spirit (EN)
Unmatched: Teen Spirit features four characters from the Marvel comics universe: Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, and the team of Cloak and Dagger.
Tiny Epic - Crimes
Tiny Epic - Crimes
Tiny Epic Crimes is a fast-paced, crime-fighting, deduction game for 1 to 4 players that offers multiple ways to play. The game can be enjoyed competitively, cooperatively, or solo.
Amsterdam - Essential Edition (NL)
Amsterdam - Essential Edition (NL)
In Amsterdam ben je een invloedrijke Amsterdamse kooplied. Vervaardig allerlei goederen, zoals meubels, tegels en kristal en sla die op in de pakhuizen bij de haven, om ze vervolgens te verhandelen.
Summoner Wars 2nd Edition - Swamp Orcs Faction Deck
Summoner Wars 2nd Edition - Swamp Orcs Faction Deck
The lowly followers of Mugglug will not hesitate to sacrifice everything to boost the strength and staying power of their betters! Feed your vitality to Mugglug, and bear witness as she becomes an unstoppable juggernaut in battle!
Marvel Legendary - Infinity Saga
Marvel Legendary - Infinity Saga
All-new Legendary expansion based on the biggest movies in the MCU so far.
Summoner Wars 2nd Edition - Crimson Order Faction Deck
Summoner Wars 2nd Edition - Crimson Order Faction Deck
Embrace entropy with the ever-hungry Crimson Order.
Summoner Wars 2nd Edition - High Elves Faction Deck
Summoner Wars 2nd Edition - High Elves Faction Deck
Valeria the Just and her High Elves tirelessly persecute the unrepentant who wield Itharia's magic for their own corrupt purposes. Behold as Valeria calls upon holy laws that alter the rules of engagement!
Terraforming Mars - Het Dobbelspel (NL)
Terraforming Mars - Het Dobbelspel (NL)
We zijn er eindelijk in geslaagd om kolonies op Mars te bouwen, maar nu staan we voor een nog veel grotere uitdaging: de planeet tot leven brengen en er een nieuw thuis voor de mensheid creëren! Zal jouw corporatie vooroplopen?
Tainted Grail - The Fall of Avalon
Tainted Grail - The Fall of Avalon
Exploration, combat, and diplomacy in a dark Arthurian realm.
Ancient Knowledge
Ancient Knowledge
Create unique card combinations to keep your civilization alive.
Dominion - Seaside Update Pack (EN)
Dominion - Seaside Update Pack (EN)
Dominion: Seaside (Second Edition) contains nine new types of Kingdom cards, which will be released on their own as an update pack for those who own the first edition of this expansion.
Archeos Society (EN)
Archeos Society (EN)
Guide your team in Archeos Society as you explore legendary sites! You must decide whether to form small expeditions for quick progression, or larger expeditions that are more efficient but slower to assemble.
Umbra Via
Umbra Via
In Umbra Via, compete to control and complete the most cunning paths. Reach into your bag to select flowers then place them on your secret board in the order of the paths you want most. But when players reveal their choices, things get delightfully tricky
Trek wolven aan in dit strategische spel en zorg ervoor dat je de grootste, meest dominante roedel vormt. Claim gebieden, neem eenzame wolven in je midden op en jaag op prooi. Maar pas, kom niet te dichtbij de tegenstanders, anders lopen de wolven over...