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Next Level

- Everdell (EN, 3rd edition)
Everdell (EN, 3rd edition)
From Everfrost to Bellsong, many a peaceful year have passed in Everdell — but the time has come for new territories to be settled and new cities to be established. You will be the leader of a group of critters intent on just such a task.
Fit to Print (NL)
Fit to Print (NL)
Fit to Print is een puzzelachtig tegellegspel over het laatste nieuws.
In dit spel voor 2 spelers ben je het schoolhoofd van een toverschool. Je doet alles wat in je macht ligt om je studenten dit gerenommeerde toernooi te laten winnen.
Tokaido Duo
Tokaido Duo
In Tokaido Duo, 2 players pace the fourth biggest isle of the Japanese archipelago. You will discover its many sceneries through the eyes of three different characters, and will thus experience a threefold spiritual journey.
Awaken Realms Nemesis - Aftermath expansion (EN)
Nemesis - Aftermath expansion (EN)
Embark on an intense journey with Nemesis: Aftermath's Epilogue Mode, a thrilling 5-turn game set after the events of the base game.
The Glade
The Glade
It’s summer time, and amid the forest lies the glade.
My Father's Work
My Father's Work
In My Father's Work, 2-4 players play competing mad scientists entrusted with a page from their father's journal, along with a large estate in which to perform their devious experiments.
- After Us (NL)
After Us (NL)
2083. De mensheid is al decennialanguitgestorven. In de verlaten wereld zetten de apen hun evolutie voort. Ze groeperen zich in stammenen eigenen zich de door de mens achtergelaten voorwerpen toe.
Rising Waters (EN)
Rising Waters (EN)
It's spring 1927, and while Americans dance the Charleston and drink bootlegged liquor, the Mississippi Delta faces a flood of epic proportions. If battered river levees collapse, everything important to you will be washed away.
Unmatched Marvel - Teen Spirit (EN)
Unmatched Marvel - Teen Spirit (EN)
Unmatched: Teen Spirit features four characters from the Marvel comics universe: Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, and the team of Cloak and Dagger.
El Grande (NL)
El Grande (NL)
Jij bent een van de Grandes, de hoge adel in het Spanje van de 15e eeuw, en probeert je macht te vergroten. Daarom stuur je je dappere ridders, de Caballero’s, eropuit om regio’s te veroveren, zodat jouw macht toeneemt.
Gigamic Quarto Mini (NL)
Quarto Mini (NL)
Ervaar Quarto nu op een kleiner formaat met Quarto Mini! Dit handige, kleinere pakket is perfect voor op reis - en neemt uiteraard minder ruimte in beslag op de spellenplank!
Amsterdam - Essential Edition (NL)
Amsterdam - Essential Edition (NL)
In Amsterdam ben je een invloedrijke Amsterdamse kooplied. Vervaardig allerlei goederen, zoals meubels, tegels en kristal en sla die op in de pakhuizen bij de haven, om ze vervolgens te verhandelen.
Marvel Legendary - Infinity Saga
Marvel Legendary - Infinity Saga
All-new Legendary expansion based on the biggest movies in the MCU so far.
Robo Rally - Chaos & Carnage expansion
Robo Rally - Chaos & Carnage expansion
The Chaos & Carnage expansion adds variability to your Robo Rally games with three new double-sided game boards featuring new elements like teleporters, randomizers, and crushers! Also includes 5 brand new Upgrade cards!
Rio Grande Games Dominion - Base Cards (EN)
Dominion - Base Cards (EN)
This is a set of 250 cards that includes all the basic Victory, Treasure, and Curse cards from the Dominion base game and its expansions. It does not include any Victory or Treasure cards that are Kingdom cards.
Dominion - Hinterlands Update Pack (EN)
Dominion - Hinterlands Update Pack (EN)
Dominion: Hinterlands (Second Edition) contains nine new types of Kingdom cards, which will be released on their own as an update pack for those who own the first edition of this expansion.
Aeon's End - Legacy of Gravehold
Aeon's End - Legacy of Gravehold
Legacy elements with an immersive, branching narrative.
Sagrada Artisans
Sagrada Artisans
A legacy game of dice drafting and window coloring!
Delicious Games Woodcraft (EN)
Woodcraft (EN)
In Woodcraft, you play as forest people running competing workshops in the woods, with you gathering wood and crafting goods for your customers.
Distilled (EN)
Distilled (EN)
Purchase goods, upgrade your distillery, and craft the world's finest spirits.
Frosthaven removable stickers
Frosthaven removable stickers
If you don't like the permanence of normal stickers, these vinyl stickers can be removed at any time with no damage to the components.