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Rio Grande Games Power Grid Recharged
Power Grid Recharged
Bid, network, and manage resources in a race to supply the most cities with power.
999 Games Dominion - Intrige Tweede Editie NL
Dominion - Intrige Tweede Editie NL
Uitbreiding op het populaire deckbuildingsspel Dominion!
Smart Games IQ XoXo
Ontdek knuffels en kusjes… maar hou je hoofd erbij! Vul het spelbord van IQ XOXO met de 10 kleurrijke dubbelzijdige pentomino puzzelstukken.
Asmodee Schotten Totten 2 (EN)
Schotten Totten 2 (EN)
Schotten Totten 2 features gameplay familiar to anyone who's played Schotten Totten, but with a few twists.
999 Games Pocket Escape Room - De Vloek van de Sphinx (NL)
Pocket Escape Room - De Vloek van de Sphinx (NL)
Kun je de raadselachtige hiërogliefen ontcijferen en ontsnappen uit de Vloek van de Sphinx voordat de mummie je te pakken heeft?
Lautapelit Eclipse- 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy
Eclipse- 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy
Eclipse: Build an interstellar civilization by exploration, research, conquest, and diplomacy.
Cool Mini or Not Unfair
Build the best possible theme-park in Unfair. Mix your favourite themes, from Pirate, Robot, Vampire, Jungle, Ninja, and Gangster.
Czech Games Edition Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization is the new edition of the well-known civilization building game.
Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars - Colonies expansion (EN)
Terraforming Mars - Colonies expansion (EN)
Terraforming Mars: Colonies, an expansion for Terraforming Mars that can be played with only the base game or with any combination of expansions.
Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars - Venus Next expansion (EN)
Terraforming Mars - Venus Next expansion (EN)
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next, the second expansion for the Terraforming Mars base game, has players building new colonies on Venus.
Stonemaier Wingspan - Europe expansion (EN)
Wingspan - Europe expansion (EN)
In this first expansion to Wingspan, we increase the scope of the world to include the regal, beautiful, and varied birds of Europe.
Boosterbox Puerto Rico NL
Puerto Rico NL
Dit is het Ravensburger bordspel Puerto Rico. In 1493 ontdekt Columbus Puerto Rico, de parel van het Caribische gebied.
Cool Mini or Not Blood Rage
Blood Rage
In Blood Rage, each player controls their own Viking clan’s warriors, leader, and ship. Ragnarök has come, and it’s the end of the world!
Stonemaier Scythe - The Wind Gambit expansion
Scythe - The Wind Gambit expansion
Scythe - The Wind Gambit expansion: The race for controlling Europe takes to the skies!
Stonemaier Scythe- Rise of Fenris exp.
Scythe- Rise of Fenris exp.
Scythe - Rise of Fenris: Empires have risen and fallen in the aftermath of the Great War and Europa stands on the precipice of a new era.
Stonemaier My Little Scythe
My Little Scythe
My little Scythe: Gather fruits and gems, encounter events and start friendships or pie fights!
Ares Games War of the Ring (2nd Edition)
War of the Ring (2nd Edition)
War of the Ring is the Lord of the Rings saga in a Box. In this epic game you can save middle earth or plunge it into darkness.
Fantasy Flight Star Wars X-Wing 2.0- Ghost
Star Wars X-Wing 2.0- Ghost
The durable VCX-100 light freighter and nimble Sheathipede-class shuttle can fight as a docked pair or split up to attack from multiple angles.
Fantasy Flight Star Wars X-Wing 2.0- BTL-B Y-Wing
Star Wars X-Wing 2.0- BTL-B Y-Wing
The BTL-B Y-Wing Expansion Pack contains everything you need to add one of these formidable ships to your Galactic Republic squadrons!
Wizk!ds Mage Knight Boardgame Ultimate Edition
Mage Knight Boardgame Ultimate Edition
Mage Knight Boardgame Ultimate Edition - Command armies, gather spells and artifacts as you conquer a fantasy land.
Blue Orange Photosynthesis (NL/EN/FR)
Photosynthesis (NL/EN/FR)
Photosynthesis NL/ENG/FR: zaai en oogst verstandig, blokkeer het zonlicht voor je tegenstanders, en groei de mooiste boom!
WGG Tiny Towns (NL)
Tiny Towns (NL)
In het Bingo-esque Tiny Towns bouw je een gezellig dorpsplein. In dit snelle spel hoef je nooit op je beurt te wachten.
WGG Railroad Ink - Vuurrode Versie (NL)
Railroad Ink - Vuurrode Versie (NL)
Bouw je eigen wegen- en treinnetwerk in de Vuurrode versie van Railroad Ink, maar pas op voor lava en meteorieten.
Wise Wizard Games Hero Realms - Journeys - Hunters
Hero Realms - Journeys - Hunters
Hero Realms- Journeys Pack Hunters: expansion to Hero Realms. Go on the hunt with powerful new actions and brave new champions. 12 cards. 1-5 players.