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Easy to Learn

Iello Kanagawa
1840: In Kanagawa, the great bay of Tokyo, the Master Hokusai decided to open a painting school to share his art with his disciples.
- Welcome to Your Perfect Home ENG 2nd ed
Welcome to Your Perfect Home ENG 2nd ed
As an architect in Welcome To..., you want to build the best new town in the United States of the 1950s by adding resources to a pool, hiring employees, and more.
Iello Diamant
Diamant is a quick, fun press-your-luck game. Will you escape the mine alive?
WGG Narabi
In dit spel moet je samenwerken om het effect van de kaarten in jullie voordeel te gebruiken. Daarbij mag je slechts beperkt communiceren en het effect niet bekend maken. Lukt het jullie om alle stenen in de juiste volgorde te krijgen?
Mattel Phase 10
Phase 10
Sorteren en strategisch denken, van de makers van UNO.
Dragon Inferno
Dragon Inferno
Regeer het koninkrijk... of ga in vlammen op!
Jordan Draper Tokyo Game Show
Tokyo Game Show
Tokyo Game Show gives players the opportunity to put on a colorful wristband and appear in their very own game show.
Crime Zoom - Bird of ill omen
Crime Zoom - Bird of ill omen
Crime Zoom is a series of detective games for 1-6 players. The rules are explained in 2 minutes, and the game itself takes about an hour. 
Crime Zoom - His Last Card
Crime Zoom - His Last Card
Crime Zoom is a series of detective games for 1-6 players. The rules are explained in 2 minutes, and the game itself takes about an hour. The Last Card will take you to the 1980s, Brooklyn.
- Openhartig - Eindejaar
Openhartig - Eindejaar
De meer dan 100 vragen en opdrachten uit Openhartig Eindejaar bieden jullie de gelegenheid om wensen, herinneringen, ideeën en voornemens met elkaar te delen.
WGG Daxu
Winkelier zijn in een klein dorpje is een kwestie van de juiste balans vinden. Weet wanneer je moet samenwerken en wanneer je meedogenloos moet zijn…
Hungry Life Europe EN
Hungry Life Europe EN
Hungry Life is an environmental education and awareness card game played between 2-5 players and for the whole family, schools and holidays.
Don Juan
Don Juan
Verzamel liefdesbrieven van Don Juan! Wie wint Don Juan’s hart?
AEG Cat Lady - Box of Treats expansion
Cat Lady - Box of Treats expansion
This expansion for Cat Lady (also compatible with Cat Lady Premium) adds new surprises to your Cat Play!
Railroad Ink Challenge - Shining Yellow Edition (EN)
Railroad Ink Challenge - Shining Yellow Edition (EN)
Railroad Ink Challenge is a quick playing roll and write game for 1 to 4 players from the creators of the critically acclaimed Railroad Ink.
Railroad Ink Challenge - Lush Green Edition (EN)
Railroad Ink Challenge - Lush Green Edition (EN)
Railroad Ink Challenge is a quick playing roll and write game for 1 to 4 players from the creators of the critically acclaimed Railroad Ink.
Libellud Dixit - Quest Expansion Refresh
Dixit - Quest Expansion Refresh
This expansion proposes you a dreamlike search for innocence through 84 new cards by Marie Cardouat!
Zygomatic Rory's Story Cubes - Original
Rory's Story Cubes - Original
Discover Rory’s Story Cubes with nine dice from the Classic edition. Throw the dice, nine symbols appear. Use them to tell your story!
Blue Orange Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza
Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza
Be quick to be the first to get rid of all your cards. But watch out! Your mind will play tricks on you.
KOSMOS 5 Minute Dungeon - Curses! Foiled Again
5 Minute Dungeon - Curses! Foiled Again
In Curses! Foiled Again! the Dungeon Master has unearthed a book of magical curses, and unleashed terrifying new threats to haunt the heroes.
BS Games Kubb
Kubb is een populair zweeds werpspel van hout voor de hele familie.
In a strange world where life mixes mechanics and vegetation, two scientists compete to create a formula made from flowers.
Hasbro Stef Stuntpiloot
Stef Stuntpiloot
Stef stuntpiloot. Stef stunt en duikt maar raak! Zet de standaard aan en Stef begint te draaien. Wip hem weg om je eigen kippen te beschermen.
- Draftosaurus - Marina expansion
Draftosaurus - Marina expansion
Draftosaurus: Marina expands the boundaries of your park and adds a new species to draft: plesiosauruses!