Arkham Horror LCG - Fortune and Folly Scenario Pack
All bets are off in this thrilling heist with multiple ways to succeed (and fail).
Marvel LCG Champions Sp//dr Hero Pack
This high-powered hero suits up for battle in this expansion pack, which introduces SP//dr as a new playable hero along with her seventeen signature cards.
Marvel LCG Champions Spider-Ham Hero
This cartoon wonder WHAMs his way into battle in this excellent expansion pack, which showcases Spider-Ham as a pristine playable hero alongside his fifteen scintillating signature cards.
Marvel LCG Champions Nova Hero Pack
This cosmic hero rockets into battle in this expansion pack, which introduces Nova as a new playable hero along with his fifteen signature cards.
Marvel Champions LCG - Valkyrie Hero Pack
As a member of the mighty Valkyrior, Valkyrie charges into battle in this expansion pack, which introduces her as a brand-new playable hero along with her sixteen signature cards.
Marvel Champions LCG - The Hood Scenario
This 78-card scenario pack introduces a new scenario to Marvel Champions showcasing the Hood and his notorious organization of supervillains.
Marvel Champions LCG- The Mad Titan's Shadow Expansion
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce The Mad Titan’s Shadow, the third campaign expansion for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
Marvel Champions LCG- Venom Hero Pack
As another member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Venom swings into action in this expansion pack, which introduces Venom as a brand-new playable hero along with his fifteen signature cards.
Marvel Champions LCG - Drax Hero Pack
As a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Drax charges into the scene with unrelenting fury in this expansion pack, which introduces Drax as a brand-new playable hero, along with his fifteen signature cards.
Stop the Train!
Stop the Train is a semi-cooperative, social deduction board game. Players have two missions:
Stop the Train! & A character-specific objective.
Stop the Train! & A character-specific objective.
Magic Maze- Maximum Security exp.
Magic Maze The Maximum Security expansion not only brings the mall guards of Magic Maze to life, but provides a number of other modules to allow you to customize your experience.
De Legenden van Andor: De Reis naar het Noorden
Reis naar het Noorden is een grote uitbreiding op De Legenden van Andor. Zeil met een schip naar het noorden en beleef fantastische coöperatieve avonturen.
De Legenden van Andor - De Laatste Hoop
De Laatste Hoop is een zelfstandig vervolg op de "De Legenden van Andor". Waag je met je medehelden op een hachelijke reis door de Grijze Bergen.
Arkham Horror LCG - Machinations Through Time
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Machinations Through Time, a new standalone scenario pack for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!
Marvel Champions LCG - Galaxy's Most Wanted expansion
It’s time to team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy and take your games of Marvel Champions onto the galactic stage. Within The Galaxy’s Most Wanted, you’ll find an entirely new campaign, with five distinct scenarios pitting you against Drang of the Bro
Marvel Champions LCG - Star-Lord Hero Pack
Star-Lord leads the Guardians of the Galaxy into battle against the villain in this expansion pack, which introduces Star-Lord as a brand-new playable hero, along with his fifteen signature cards.