Claim Kingdoms
Claim het grootste gebied met jouw facties! Lukt het jou om goed samen te werken met vriendelijke trollen, machtige draken of dappere ridders?
Claim 2 Pocket
Met Claim 2 Pocket neem je jouw favoriete spel overal mee naartoe en geniet je overal van het populaire kaartspel!
Claim - Reinforcements Maps
Claim Reinforcements Maps voegt 5 facties en locaties toe aan Claim het basisspel.
Claim - 5 jaar Jubileumeditie
Het eerste jubileum van Claim wordt groots gevierd met deze speciale gelimiteerde jubileumeditie. In de doos zitten alle facties van Claim en Claim 2 en ze zijn stuk voor stuk in een nieuw jasje gestoken.
Civolution (EN)
Civolution is a medium heavy to heavy euro-style game that utilizes a dice selection mechanism to trigger actions on a tech tree-like structure.
Cities (NL)
Neem de uitdaging aan om een hele buurt in de stad te transformeren in het spannende spel Cities!
Circadians: Chaos Order
Circadians: Chaos Order is a competitive, confrontational area control game with highly asymmetric Factions. Each Faction has unique Leaders and Attributes, Buildings, and their own personal win condition.
In Chrononauts, each player becomes a time traveler, with a unique identity and a secret mission. During the game, players travel backwards and forwards through history, doing all those things people have always dreamed of using a time machine to do.
Chronicles of Crime - Noir expansion (EN)
Set in the L.A. Noir universe, this expansion will change the game: no more scientific contacts to help you, but rather unorthodox methods. Bribing, breaking in, intimidating and spying will be your tools. But be careful about what you do! Everything can
Chronicles of Crime - 2400
In the standalone game Chronicles of Crime: 2400, you can use all the latest technology to solve crimes.
Chronicles of Crime - 1900 (NL)
Kruip in de huid van journalist Victor Lavel en reis af naar het Parijs van begin 20e eeuw in deze losstaande editie van Chronicles of Crime!
Chronicles of Crime - 1900 (EN)
Chronicles of Crime: 1900 is a stand-alone, cooperative game of crime investigation.
Chronicles of Crime (EN)
Chronicles of Crime in English is a cooperative game of crime investigation where you play the investigator.
Chronicles of Avel
Chronicles of Avel is a cooperative board game for the whole family. Take the role of brave heroes and heroines with a mission to save your magical land.
Chili Dice
De dobbelstenen branden in je handen. Met Chili Dice, het pittigste dobbelspel van dit moment, moet je je tegenspelers te verslaan in zo min mogelijk worpen.
Chemistry Fluxx
Chemistry Fluxx - the elemental card game in which the rules are always changing.
Chartered- The Golden Age
Chartered: The Golden Age is a historic and economic building game known for its easy game system. Expand your wealth as a merchant in Amsterdam.
Chartered - Building Amsterdam
Welkom in de bruisende handelstad Amsterdam aan het begin van de 17e eeuw. De stad groeit snel en schepen vertrekken naar alle uithoeken van de wereld. Jij en je medehandelaren proberen midden in deze handelsdrukte de top te bereiken.
Characters and Quests - D&D A Young Adventurers Guide
From the world’s most beloved tabletop role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons, comes an interactive workbook for imagining, creating, and capturing on paper your own epic characters and adventurers.
Challengers is an interactive Deck Management game with an original tournament gameplay style for 1-8 players. Play individually or with a group of friends!